Do you want to open a Company, Trust or ABN?* CompanyTrustABN Application
What registration do you require?* GSTPAYGFuel Tax CreditNone
How frequently you require to lodge?* MonthlyQuarterlyAnnual
Do you have a proposed company name? * Search
What state/territory you want to register your company in?* New South WalesQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoriaWestern Australia
Please enter register office address for company*
Nature of the business *
Will the company’s register office be principal place of business? * YesNo
Do you want to register a business name? YesNo
Number of ordinary shares *
Share value *
Total share capital *
How many individual directors company will have? * (Max 6 only) 0123456
Is there any other company that will own any shares? * YesNo
Name of Director 1
Name of Director 1 Name of Director 2
Name of Director 1 Name of Director 2 Name of Director 3
Name of Director 1 Name of Director 2 Name of Director 3 Name of Director 4
Name of Director 1 Name of Director 2 Name of Director 3 Name of Director 4 Name of Director 5
Name of Director 1 Name of Director 2 Name of Director 3 Name of Director 4 Name of Director 5 Name of Director 6
Who will be secretary of the company? * (From Director)
Who will be the contact person for BKG Book Keeping & Accounting Services*